Sarah Michelle Coaching

Unlock the Secret Within
1:1 Private Coaching
6 month Initial commitment
So what is "The Secret"?
Most of us have programing that causes us to be energetically congested. This programming prevents you from fully expanding into what makes you, YOU. This programming prevents you from tapping into your most aligned self. This programming prevents you from tuning your vibration and frequency to align with your goals, dreams and desires.
And what are we "Unlocking"?
We are unlocking the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND that allows you to access your "secret".
The same mind that is PREVENTING you from living your fullest potential,
is also the same mind that can CREATE your fullest potential and dream life.
So what do I mean by "unlock"?
Well your subconscious beliefs are formed by thoughts and ideas you have continued to think over and over again. As more and more evidence supports them, they become your mental programming. If this mental programming "locks you up", aka causes you to stay stuck in a pattern, you will be going in circles. Because your subconscious mind is the control center to EVERYTHING you create, you will continue to attract people, situations, and experiences, that support those deep beliefs (good or bad). This is why you end up creating a reality that you may or may not have wanted.
We want to UNLOCK, and reprogram your subconscious mind so that you start attracting people, situations, and experiences, that are ALWAYS serving you and moving you closer to your goals, dreams and desires.

My Coaching Methodology
Reprogramming your subconscious comes down to 3 steps - Recognize, Release, Replace - and doing those steps over and over again until that belief becomes habitual.

Because everything we create in our life starts with our subconscious mind and the beliefs it holds, I want to first "get to know your mind". When you talk in our sessions, I'm not just listening to your words, I'm listening to your beliefs that are shown to me through your choice of words and phrasing. Words are super powerful and specific words will have a certain "charge" for you. These words, that are activated in you, are directly tied to a belief. It's my job to discover what that belief is so that we can release it (through a breath work technique) and then replace it with a new belief we want you to believe moving forward. My main goal and focus during our time together is to reprogram your subconscious mind so that your new programming causes you to create and attract your desires easier and quicker.
But don't just take it from me!...

I can’t say enough amazing things about Sarah! She’s helped me shift my mentality in some really significant ways. I met her as I was starting my business and I’ve been living in abundance ever since. She’s professional, communicative, and extremely insightful. She’s helped me set up my subconscious programming in a way that has helped me make the most of every opportunity that’s come my way. Building a business can be daunting and her help in keeping my mindset positive and consistent is one of the reasons I’ve been able to hire my first employee and make my first 100K in less than a year!

"Before I knew about the Law of Attraction I found myself always in the same cycle, going from being depressed and anxious, to being happy and excited. I felt like I was stuck and nothing could get me out of the rut I was in because even feeling happy and excited I knew that there was going to be that fall to the peak and I’d end up exactly where I started. Now that I know the information about the law of attraction and know that I am the co-creator of my mental and physical reality, I have since felt myself happier and more excited all the time! I wake up everyday thinking, “today is going to be a better day than yesterday” and it always is. Knowing this knowledge and then applying it has forever changed my life for the better and I can’t express how thankful I am for Sarah. Her coaching has changed my life and I know it will change yours too. “If you want things in your life to change, you’re going to have to change things in your life.”

"What Sarah does is *not* just give you some magic wand and say “go!” but turns you inside out and makes you see things about yourself you didn’t necessarily know were there. It’s really a journey of self-discovery, and it’s very helpful to have someone who has already done the work, expedite the process with you. It keeps you accountable and is so fun to make discoveries. I’m telling you… no matter how stubborn you are (like me) there are things that she is going to tell you about YOU, that you had no idea were true, but you won’t be able to unsee. She will read you like a book, and give you a whole mind makeover guide-for-life that is going to change the way your future will unfold. I can’t thank Sarah enough, truly. "

My Coaching Style
My coaching is intuitive, direct, and hands on.
I have learned over the years that whenever my intuition has told me to say "that thing" or assign "that homework" or ask "that question" or explore "that direction", it's been right every time. I believe our intuition is a gift from God/Source/Universe and they use it to guide us.
I am a COACH first.
Some people get that mixed up with a therapist, friend, or someone to make you feel good.
I do not do that.
I am here to see the greatness in you and sometimes greatness is uncomfortable.
I am here to hold a container for you to reach your fullest potential.
I am here to push you out of your comfort zone and challenge your conditioning.
I am here to expand your consciousness and be your biggest fan.
Hands on
There is nothing more annoying than when someone leaves you to fend for yourself. I have had many mentors and coaches and it's the ones, who walked beside me on my journey giving me the reassurance that I'm on the right path, that have made the most difference in my life.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long are sessions?
Sessions can be anywhere between 45min to 1.5 hours. Why do I leave that open ended? Because one week you may need an hour and a half of deep subconscious clearing and the next week you need to take massive action. I am constantly tapping into my intuition about what you need and, your journey is so specific to you, that I don't want to put a time limit on what you may be needing to unlock your fullest potential.
Can I just book a single session?
No....and here's why. The nature of reprogramming a subconscious takes repetition and building new mental pathways. I would do you a disservice by scratching the surface of the programmed beliefs you have. You have beliefs that have been formed for 20 plus years, and one session isn't going to undo all that mental programming.
Now with that being said, once you have worked with me for 6 months, you are welcome to continue coaching with me or purchase individual sessions as needed.
Why 6 months?
It takes a minimum of 30 days to build a habit, including a mental habit. In my experience, my clients start to see real change around the 6 month mark. I want to set you up to succeed so the first 3 months we uncover the subconscious beliefs (around your goal/desire) holding you back and start to reprogram them, the next 3 months we continue building and resolidifying the new mental habits and iron out any missed beliefs or micro beliefs that may have slipped through.
*Disclaimer* Although the goal is to reprogram parts of your mind, 6 months does not guarantee that you will have a reprogrammed mind. You will be able to tell the shifts happening in your beliefs system when you start attracting different and better things into your life.
What is included in each week?
This includes Subconscious Releases if they are needed.
A Subconscious Release is a form of breath work that literally helps bring the subconscious beliefs to your conscious. By identifying them, we are able to energetically release the ones that don't serves us and and replace with beliefs that do.
There is an app called Voxer that allows you to leave voice messages like you would a text. It's important to me that I be accessible to you in between sessions in case you are really in your head/thoughts or our session caused you to have a realization you need to work through. You can send me a voice message in the moment and within 24 hours I will reply.
Depending on how the session unfolds each week, I will give an action step tailored to what we talked about for you to do before our next session. Action steps are the secret sauce to building mental habits and changing beliefs.​​